Trapped with the Feeling There’s Something Wrong with You or Your Life?
You Don’t Have to Live That Way.
Liberate Your Mind & Heart!
Clifford B. Edwards
Transformational Coach
Transformational Coaching
Transformational coaching is rooted in the understanding that – at some level – you already know exactly what’s needed in order to feel successful, fulfilled and enjoy your life. It’s about more than just incrementally improving some aspects your life. The purpose is to shake the old feelings of “not good enough”, “something’s wrong with me”, or “I’m an imposter” to dramatically improve the way that you see, understand and feel about yourself.
As your coach I’ll help you access, trust and implement what you already know. And in doing so, help you to develop new practices and perspectives that let you shake the feeling that something’s wrong. You’ll find that you now live with much greater clarity, courage, joy and freedom of the mind and heart!
Who Is This Coaching For?
This type of coaching is for people who have years of life experience under their belts. It’s for those who are successful, but have experienced significant setbacks, disappointments or hurts along the way and still feel like there’s something wrong with them – no matter how much they’ve accomplished or proven since.
This is for you if you…
- Engage in negative self-talk or harsh judgments of yourself or others that distract or disempower you.
- Are holding onto any regret, remorse, sorrow guilt or shame from events of the past.
- Carry resentment, blame or anger toward yourself or others.
- Lack the confidence go for what you want or put the needs or desires of others ahead of your own well-being.
- Have things in life that just aren’t working, no matter what you’ve tried to do to change them.

About Me
I’m a highly experienced, transformational coach, in business since 1998. Working directly with many hundreds of people in diverse situations, has given me a wealth of knowledge, experience and intuitive understanding to benefit you in every session.
I currently specialize in coaching Gen X and Boomer II* professionals, helping them to confidently face life changes, resolve issues of the past, heal strained relationships and experience greater overall levels of success and happiness.
* Boomer II – Born 1955 – 64, Gen X – Born 1965 – 80
“I am still benefiting from the coaching. I didn’t expect my work life to get better, I thought that I might discover another line of work…. that surprised, yet pleased me. I have a simple vision and I get a step closer to it every day. That makes me very happy.”
“Incredible distinctions and powerful internal exercises!! I experienced huge aha’s and shifts, beyond what I could have imagined.“
“Cliff comes from a place of depth of compassion and has the gift of exceptionally deep, trust-worthy and active listening. Add this to his extensive knowledge of coaching as well as spirituality, Cliff is a master coach and teacher of highest regard.”
“Working with Cliff I began to identify negative thoughts or feelings that were causing me to be unrealistically fearful, often resulting in prolonged procrastination that impacted my effectiveness. I am becoming very effective in changing this behavior and am very confident that I will continue to be much more effective in these most important areas of my life”